Browse our range of high quality, local produce

Step into our delicatessen for an eclectic range of gourmet delights. Our shelves are filled with freshly baked bread, expertly cured meats, and an assortment of cold meats ready for your next sandwich. Don't miss our selection of artisan sauces, perfect for adding a splash of unique flavour to your meals. Lastly, indulge in our sweet treats, where traditional recipes meet creative spins, promising a delicious conclusion to any meal. Visit our Macclesfield shop for a truly diverse and delightful food experience.

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Cold Meats

Products and Prices.

Prices shown are by weight, ie. cost per lb in weight

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Products and Prices.

Prices shown are by weight, ie. cost per lb in weight


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Products and Prices.

Prices shown are by weight, ie. cost per lb in weight

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